Dr. Leonor Carvalho | Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy

How to Develop a Growth Mindset

There are two types of mindsets: the growth mindset and the fixed mindset. If you think your talents can be developed, and you can acquire new skills, through hard work, good strategies, and input from others, congratulations you have a growth mindset. If you believe that your talents are innate gifts and “I am like this, why even bother try? I cannot learn new things”, you have a fixed mindset. Continue to read the learn how to develop a growth mindset.

A fixed mindset can be shifted into a growth mindset, for example, through coaching.

Individuals with a growth mindset tend to achieve more because they worry less about looking smart and they put more energy into learning.

Here are some of the characteristics of individuals who operate out of the growth mindset:

  • Embrace new challenges and ideas
  • See learning as a journey, not a destination
  • Are inspired by the achievements of others
  • Learn from all criticism and feedback
  • Are unconditionally accepted by others
  • Are they “at peace” with their imperfections
  • Believe in unending opportunities to grow
  • Seek to understand ideas that conflict with their current frame of reference.

However, we are not only fixed and growth mindset, we are a mixture of both. And that mix is continually evolving with experience. A “pure” growth mindset doesn’t exist, which we have to acknowledge in order to attain the benefits we seek from being in the growth zone.

Additionally, we all have our fixed-mindset triggers, which causes us to adopt a fixed mindset in some situations. For example, when we face challenges, receive criticism, or do fare poorly compared with others, we can easily fall into insecurity or defensiveness, a response that inhibits growth.

To remain in a growth zone, we must identify and work with these triggers. This starts by recognizing our fixed-mindset voice when it shows up, and what it says that makes us feel threatened or defensive. Then, we can learn how to talk back at it, persuading it to collaborate with us as we pursue challenging goals

How to develop your growth mindset and deal with your fixed-mindset voice?

1. Listen to the mindset voice inside of you.

Analyze your internal dialogue. Is it saying to you something along the lines of: “What if you fail?” or “If you don’t try, nobody will see you fail,” That is your fixed-mindset voice talking. Recognizing this voice is the first step to successfully changing your mindset

2. Acknowledge this voice, and understand that you have a choice

This mindset voice that is telling you not to try, is also trying to protect you from failure. Now, you can choose. Will you listen to the voice? Is what the voice trying to tell you helpful? Will you be able to achieve your goals?

3. Talkback with a growth mindset voice.

Talk back at you, and when you do it use a growth mindset tone. For example: “I’m not sure I can do it, but it will be worth it to try.” or “If I don’t try at all, it is a failure. There’s no dignity in that.” This new voice will help you drown out the fixed mindset voice that is crowding your thoughts.

4. Stop seeking the approval of others.

Stop worrying about the approval of others. Comparing yourself to others, focusing on how you look to others, and hiding failures are all hindering you from developing a growth mindset, and finding success. Keep focusing on yourself and how you can grow, and stop worrying if others are looking at your progress. Chances are, nobody is.

5. Replace the word “failing” with “learning ” or “feedback”

As you come to recognize that failing is just a new way of learning, you’ll stop being so afraid of it. By embracing failure as an opportunity to continue learning and growing, you’ll be on your way to understanding what a growth mindset is really all about.

6. Take action in developing your growth mindset

You need to follow through on the actions your new mindset voice tells you to take on. Sometimes, you may not succeed. But that’s ok. As you practice talking to yourself with a growth mindset and follow through on the actions, you’ll cultivate the mindset of growth that you desire over time.

7. Practice

Put yourself in situations that are challenging to help you practice your new voice.

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