Dr. Leonor Carvalho
Burnout Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Dr. Leonor Carvalho - Burnout coach for passionate and driven individuals

Live Your Life With Burning Passion Instead of Burnout

Burnout coach and life coach Dr. Leonor
burnt out working mum suffering from business owner burnout

It's not your schedule that's causing business owner burnout!

It's your deepest inner beliefs!

My burnout coaching combines techniques from life coaching, hypnotherapy, and somatic therapy that I developed and refined over the past 5 years.

The clients I typically work with feel constantly at odds with their desires and responsibilities and muddle through life in a constant state of severe burnout.

They carry a hidden belief that they must be exhausted in order to be productive.

To keep up with everyone else’s expectations, they put on a mask, which with time becomes a burden.

Is this you and do you want to stop the burnout cycle?

This is what you’re leaving behind after working with a burnout coach:

  • Wishing you could clone yourself just to get through your to-do list.
  • Feeling like you are never able to enjoy the things you’ve earned and accomplished because you can’t slow down long enough.
  • Feeling guilt over not being truly present with your family.
  • No work – life balance becoming a normal
  • No time and energy for self-care (exercise, hobbies, etc.)

Ready to go from “busy” to feeling fulfilled and satisfied in life?

Overwhelm and burnout don’t need to be your default mode!

My burnout coaching can help you replace your inner critic that feeds into unhealthy habits and leads to burnout, with a feeling of being yourself again and balancing life on your own terms.

The terms that make you feel excited to take on the challenges of life!

When you begin your journey back to yourself with me, I’ll help you move forward by replacing chaos with the awareness tools you need to transform your life.

Ready for the next logical step and want a chat with your burnout coach?

high achiever suffering from burnout in need of life coaching
burnout free workplace after burnout coaching and life coaching
Dr. Leonor a life coach & hypnotherapist specialized in bournout coaching

I am a woman, mother, wife, scientist, coach, therapist, introvert and above all in love with the complexity of what is the human experience.

Meet Dr. leonor, your burnout coach

Burnout was a silent companion that I allowed into my life by being too focused on achieving and ignoring myself, my needs, and the signs my body was showing me.

While recovering from the burnout, and through soul searching, I discovered that I wasn’t truly living my own life. Instead, I had been living a life shaped by my family, society, and my own limiting beliefs, which felt uncomfortable. It was then that I made a promise to myself: “It’s time for me to live life on my own terms – to live the life I truly desire.”

From that point on, I began co-creating the fulfilling life I have today. And a big part was getting my certification in life coaching and hypnotherapy to help more people who suffer burnout or are standing on the edge of it

What you can expect by working with me:

  • Professionally conducted sessions
  • Empathetic, intuitive, confronting, and effective coaching style
  • Evidence based techniques, somatic- and energetic practices
  • Work the Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Access to Extra Resources to support your journey

Not sure if we are a good match to start your journey into a life without burnout?

How working with your burnout coach looks like

We will develop a personalized burnout coaching plan based on your situation.

I’ve developed and refined a skill set that I use in my burnout coaching to help you uncover the root cause of your burnout and develop new, healthy patterns. This not only helps you get out of burnout but also prevents you from falling back into it.

burnout coaching with a life coach & hypnotherapist

Life Coaching & NLP

Learn powerful tools tailored to your life situation that help you improve your mindset, achieve personal growth, and acquire new skills for managing your life more efficiently.

women listening to her burnout coach and relaxing


Quickly rewire your mind to escape the misery cycle causing you to feel overwhelmed, resentful, and defeated. Subconscious work can help you make strides in areas of your life where you're struggling to make changes. Let go of limiting thoughts and adopt a positive mindset for the future.

get out of business owner burnout by exercising

Somatic Therapy & Energy Practices

Combine physical and emotional health by using regulation practices that allow you to release trauma and tension held within. You'll learn to become attuned to the sensations and reactions experienced by your body.

Ready to get out of your burnout?

What my past clients say about burnout coaching with me:

"I have had many breakthroughs that resulted in personal growth and advancement in my career, family matters and relationships. My confidence in communication and decision making matured as I gained a deeper and better understanding of my inner world."

"Leonor has been instrumental in helping me refocus and find my path forward in an inspiring and meaningful way. She is a wealth of knowledge and a calming force with a kind heart. If you are looking to make sense and overcome the chaos and stress of life, Leonor is just the person to help you do that."

"Leonor can really help in finding clarity and new perspectives. I had a challenge in choosing between 2 opportunities. Leonor made herself available very fast and I found what would be the next best step for me after only a short phone conversation. This is something I very much appreciate in a coach: speed and efficiency!"

"I noticed my focus and decisiveness was improved after only a few sessions. It's a funny thing when you have mixed emotions about a behavior or idea and sometimes you just need a simple way to communicate with the inner world. I enjoyed Leonor's gentle communication during our sessions. I highly recommend!"

"Everybody around me tells me that they can see a big progress in my person. I always feel very comfortable talking about everything and I feel myself a lot better in different parts of my life ( home, work, mom ). For each challenge I bring to the table, Leonor always finds a way to help, even when the subjects are very broad, apart and complex. She is very flexible and open."

"She eased me into the whole topic and got me to truly understand what I want to work on first vs what I initially thought I wanted to work on. She changed course to meet the needs of the moment in a seamless way. I connected with myself in a way that I don’t usually manage to."

"Leonor is a true professional! I attended one of her events and I must say i left feeling inspired and woth a positive attitude towards my struggles. Nevertheless she is a wonderful person to be around."

"Simply wonderful! That would be the way of describing the experience of being coached by Leonor. Through a very professional, but warm chat she manages to help you realise and unleash your true potential and, with a kind and respectful push she encourages to carry on with it making you feel empowered. If you feel you are in need of coaching in any way, Leonor coaching sessions are highly recommended."

Not sure if we are a good match to start your journey into a life without burnout?

FAQ about burnout coaching

Unfortunately, there is not one answer that fits all, there is no magic pill you can take. I usually work with my clients for 3-6 months, and how fast you recover will depend on which stage of burnout you are in, your personal history, and stress coping mechanisms. You can apply for a clarity call with me and I can give you a first assessment based on our chat.

Let me ask you a question: When can you truly say you won’t have a lot on your plate? In my coaching experience, no one has said to me “Now, I have plenty of time and energy to invest in myself.” There’s no such thing as a “perfect” time; there’s only the time you have and how you choose to use it. I’d also like to remind you that I understand the reality of your time constraints because I’m right there with you. As long as you’re willing to fully engage and commit to our coaching sessions, I can assure you that your “homework” won’t become just another task on your list. My hunch is that it’ll be something you’ll genuinely look forward to.

In theory, coaching is focused on the future, and therapy on the past. A coach will help co create a plan and new solutions, and a therapist will work with traumas and mental illnesses.  However, in my experience, I have observed that it is not possible to move to the future without dealing with the past that still haunts us. That is why I am not only a coach, but I am equipped with a variety of modalities that will help you not only create a new future but make peace with your past. I am a trauma-informed professional and in most of my clients, we do work with childhood trauma.

Burnout coaching can help you recover from burnout by:

  • Identifying the root cause of your burnout
  • Make a plan for eliminating what drains you, and accountability to make sure you stick to it.
  • Learn stress management techniques

Forget everything you saw in the movies about hypnosis. No, I will not control your mind, nor make you do things you don’t want. Click here to read my blog article about hypnotherapy to learn more.

No matter how many similarities we might have with other persons, each one of us is unique. Therefore, before we start working together it is important for me to get to know the unique person you are.

This helps me to prepare the tools and techniques that are better for you.

In the clarity call, we will talk about your desires, your issues, your challenges, and also a bit about your story. You will also have time and the opportunity to ask questions.

At the end of the session, if we decide to move forward and work together I will send you the Coaching Agreement.

A commitment to change – just turning up to the sessions is not enough. You have to commit to yourself to do the work and take responsibility for the outcome of the coaching.

A commitment to the session – turn up on time, take the opportunities when we’re together seriously and be present in each session.

A commitment to the homework – take responsibility for the mutually agreed upon actions each session. Often the greatest understanding, realizations, and clarity come in between sessions.

To be honest – even if it’s difficult or uncomfortable because it’s in this space that the greatest changes happen.

To challenge yourself – you can play it safe sure, but if you really want to grow then up your game. You’ll be amazed at how small changes make a big difference.

To have fun – this is your life, your health, your dreams, your journey. Enjoy it, embrace it and have fun with it. Not everything will be serious, nor should it.

Ready to start burnout coaching?

Apply for a clarity call to get to know your burnout coach and the next steps

entrepreneurs without business owner burnout