Dr. Leonor Carvalho | Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Are you ready for Autumn?

Nature’s natural rhythms orchestrate when day turns to night when flowers must bloom, and provides the cue for when it is time for red and brown leaves to fall from trees. Nature moves to its organic timing: birds flying south leaves shedding or snow falling. Although, we might not be aware, like nature our life also has its own rhythms and cycles. While our minds and spirits are free to focus on other pursuits, our breath and our heartbeat are always there to remind us of life’s pulsing rhythm that moves within and around us. We are connected to nature, and we can use the seasons for our own growth and personal development. Sometimes it’s summer outside, but we are going through a personal winter. In this post, I will be talking about Autumn, and the lessons it teaches us. Are you ready for Autumn?

Autumn is the season of harvest, but it’s also a season of change and letting go. 

Autumn shows us that everything in life is fluid and changing, and to move forward, we need to embrace change. As outside it gets cold and gloomy and trees become naked, this is nature’s way of welcoming a new phase of its existence. We might look outside and feel that everything is dying and change is not for the better. However, without autumn, there would be no spring or summer, and nature embraces this temporary death to be reborn again in spring.

It’s so strange that autumn is so beautiful, yet everything is dying.


This is a reminder for us to embrace change. Not every change is positive and rarely passes by smoothly. Change it’s a period of transition and almost always involves pain and crisis. Acceptance is the keyword: when we learn to accept a new phase in our life, we realize that every change is for the better, even a negative one. We can always learn and grow when our values and views are shaken, it’s a vital part of our self-growth.

Autumn also shows us that it is crucial to let go of the things that belong to the past. Trees lose their leaves, and it is both sad and beautiful, painful and necessary, morbid and inevitable. This melancholic transition is a reminder that if we don’t let things go and dwell on our past, our personal growth stops and we will eventually find ourselves stuck in life. Letting things go also means learning the lessons from past mistakes. When things don’t go as planned, and we feel like we lose control of our circumstances and limit ourselves with a sense of self-doubt, these are times of learning so that we don’t repeat past mistakes. 

Autumn is also a time of harvest, a time to reap the benefits of your hard work and set yourself up to finish strong with whatever you’ve started in life…or on the other hand, it can also be a time of regret and despair. We don’t reap if we haven’t sawn any seeds. Autumn will give us real honest feedback, on what we have done so far. It will tell us that we can be proud of ourselves and that we have grown, or it will show us that we need to get some sowing going (growth). 

For those who planted abundantly in the spring, and who fought against the bugs, weeds, and weather of summer, fall can bring rewards which give cause for rejoicing… The fall tells us if we have done that which is required… Massive action in the spring of life still is the requirement for massive success in the fall.”

Jim Rohn

In all aspects of life, the harvest will come in due time. Take a journey in your mind to where you see the harvest of your changes, having the life you want.

To be ready for autumn, you can engage in some reflection to help you determine what you want to achieve in the coming seasons. Here are some ideas:

  • Thinking strategically
  • Developing new mindsets
  • Acting on past dreams (such as traveling or a project)
  • Developing new habits
  • Enjoying your relationships 

Here are some actions you can take to get the most out of the fall season of your life:

  • Stop trying to impress other people. Focus on the things that you want
  • Engage in self-care and self-development. Read some interesting books.
  • Let go of what you don’t need anymore in your life. 
  • Listen to the changing needs of your body
  • Invest in friendships–these connections will help you get through this season of change alongside others who are doing the same

So, are you ready for Autumn?

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